Check out the latest bowls results and news from on the greens of clubs right around the Bundaberg Region.
Across the Waves Bowls
Annual General Meeting: All members are requested to attend the first Annual General Meeting of The Waves Bowls Club Bundaberg to be held in the Sports Complex’s Lower Level (Bowls Club) on Saturday 13 April 2024 at 9 am. Nomination forms for positions on committee are available at the Bowls Club. These completed forms must be received by Ron Witton by 9 am on Saturday 30 March 2024.
Wednesday 6 March – Winners – R.Gamble, G.Hartigan, J.Jacobson, Sportsmen – B.Frost & K.Tuttle
Thursday 7 March $800 Money Day – Green 1 Winners – M.Hillier, G.Black, D.Green, 1st Runners-Up – A.Holt, B.Peardon, S.Squires, 2nd Runners-Up – R.Byers, H.Foster, R.Byers, Sportsmen – W.Brotherton, B.Brotherton, R.Witton, Green 2 Winners – T.Salau, M.Stumbles, J.Jones, 1st Runners-Up – D.Claridge, B.Parnell, L.Robinson, 2nd Runners-Up – D.Mizzi, G.Ayrton, M.Jeffs. Thanks Barrier Reef Corals for your sponsorship.
Friday 8 March – Winners – J.Worthington & Crutchy, Sportsmen – L.Hillier & G.Bauer
Saturday 9 March – Winners – J.Dingle & H.Foster, Sportsmen – L.Bertolla & F.Zander
Friday 8 March – Semi-Final Ladies Championship Pairs – R.Byers & M.Hughes def L.Hillier & G.Bauer. Thanks Brian McMah for umpiring
Saturday 9 March – Semi-Final Men’s Championship Fours – R.Witton, E.Marcon, B.McMah, B.Davis def V.Mallett, M.Jeffs, K.Tuttle, P.Stokes
Call for competition:
Saturday 16 March – 9.30 am start Men’s Open Singles – R.Machan v B.Davis
1 pm start Men’s Open Pairs – S.Green & D.Green v B.McMah & B.Davis, P.Stokes & V.Mallett v J.Killen & O.Hocking
Friday 22 March – Final Ladies Pairs – H.Foster & J.Callaway v R.Byers & M.Hughes
Saturday 23 March – 9.30am start Men’s Open Singles – B.Frawley v Junior
1 pm start Men’s Open Pairs – M.Tobin & Junior v A.Shaw & R.Machan, F.Berry & C.Engstrom v D.Goodman-Jones & B.Frawley, M.Jeffs & K.Tuttle v Winner of Mallett/Hocking game
Nominations: for Ladies Championship Singles are now open, drawn on 22 March. First round to be played on 29 March.
$400 MONEY DAY sponsored by Arcon Metals is on this Friday 15 March. Skips, check your team is available and confirm with Lyn Murphy on 0402 302 091 by Wednesday 13 March.
Bundaberg Bowls
Tuesday 5 March Sponsored Day Optical Superstore.
Winner Samson Green: K Itzstein S Bury C Marcinkus. I Runners Up: I Quartermaine L Charteris D Jensen.
Sports Persons 1: P Caesar B Newton D Harding. Sports Persons 2: L Morey G Roberts C Morey.
Winner Federation Green: M Trouton Len R Russell. Runner Up: R Nutt V Schmidt B Brown.
Sports Persons 1: G Ferguson G Ayton M Jeffs. Sports Persons 2: G Job R Kilpatrick L Haggart.
Thursday 7 March Winners: H Mosley G Purches R Chambers. Sports Persons: G Pinkstone Newton
Saturday 9 March Winners: L Morey J Nikora . Sports Persons: S White H Mosley G Purches.
Competition Winners: I Quartermaine C Jensen L Charteris D Jensen Def. B Fryer P Caesar A Salau D Cooke.
Selectors – Tuesday 12 March. S & R Ribbans. Thursday 14 March. M Nicol J Jones. Saturday 16 March. K Innes R Chambers.
Competition Call – 16 March.
Men’s A Singles: C Jensen V I Quartermaine Marker J Clough. A Salau V D Cooke Marker K Innes.
B McKeen V A Roylance Marker B Fryer. A Holt V R Bury Marker G Purches. R Chambers V C Morey Marker R Nikora.
Men’s Competition are on the Notice Board, Games are now being called. If unable to play, make your own arrangements to play another day.
Coming events:
Tuesday 12 March. Sponsored day by Hearing Australia.
Saturday 16 March. Kerry Bolam Memorial Day Cancelled to the 22 June.
Sunday 17 March. Gin Gin Visit 11 am. Start, Lunch and Bowls.
19 March. BOM Meeting.
These games have been cancelled please take them out of your games calendar – Saturday 30 March. Saturday 30 April. Saturday 29 June. Tuesday 29 October. Saturday 23 November.
Ladies Championship Games will be closing on Tuesday 19 March.
Burnett Bowls Men
Social Bowls Results:
Tuesday 5 March: Winners: Sue Busch, Peter Busch. Sportsman: Craig, Speedy Stephens
Wednesday 6 March: Scroungers: Winner: Des.
Thursday 7 March: Social Thursday Winners: Keith Sinclair, Tracey Rye.
Thursday 7 March: Night bowls: Winners: Brian, Craig & John Dowde. Runners Up: Ken & Sue. Sportsman: Gary, Ian & Patrick. Pick the Joker Jackpot was not won and will now be $278+ next week.
Friday 8 March: Winners: Cal Toft, Alan Vinegrad. Sportsman: Beau Mark, John Jardine.
Saturday 9 March: Winners: John Bawden, Eddie Cross. Sportsman: Chilli Pete, Greg Jackson.
The draws for the B Grade Competitions and the A & B Pairs have been completed, Members are asked to check the draw and to start arranging games by mutual agreement where possible.
Nominations are now open for the Open Triples, Mixed Pairs & Mixed Fours. Please organize your teams and nominate on the sheets on the Club Noticeboard as nominations will close shortly.
Competition Results: Championship Singles: Mark Mizzi def Darrly Austin 25-9, Tim Clark def Keith Whalley 25-24. B Grade Singles: Jamieson Morgan def Darrin Cotton 25-17, Greg Jackson def Pat Leahy 25-22.
Competition Call: B Grade Singles: Play on or before Saturday 16th March – R Hussey Vs N McLellan, D Carson Vs M Choquenot, H Schneider Vs S Lankowski, G Hayes Vs J Gott. Players are to arrange their own markers.
Championship Singles – Play on or before Saturday 23 March – G Gill Vs J Gott, D Shield Vs C McLellan. Players are to organize their own markers.
Wide Bay Bowls Classic:
Round 6 Results: Burnett was defeated by Bargara 6 rinks to 1. Well done to our only winning team of Darryl Austin & Kyle Franks as they defeated Beau Mark & Darren Mullins 23-11. Special mention to our Men’s Fours team of Josh Gott, Ross Hussey, Tim Clark and Geoff Gill as they were narrowly defeated by John See’s Team 18-17. Great effort fellas! Big thank you to all Burnett Members (Men’s and Ladies) that played the WBBC over the past 6 weeks as your commitment and ‘never say die’ attitude was evident. Also, a big Thank you to Tracey Rye for being the Burnett Manager – you did a great job, and it was appreciated by all.
The Division 1 Final will be contested at Burnett on Saturday the 23 March with Bargara playing Urangan.
Thank you to Aim Hearing and Clayton Hearing for their generous sponsorship of the Wide Bay Bowls Classic.
Social Bowls Events:
Visitors are most welcome on all playing days. Entry sheets are at the club or phone the Club on 41514217 during opening hours. If you cannot get through to the club number regarding bowls, then phone 0405373754.
Tuesday 12 March: 50/50 Day – where 50 percent of the green fees for the day will be returned as prize money. Open 3 Bowl Pairs (27 ends) – Men’s, Ladies, Mixed. Names in by 12 pm, green fees paid by 12.30 pm for a 1 pm start.
Wednesday 13 March: ‘Scroungers’ Singles – this is a fun game of Singles similar to consistency singles where points are allocated to the 4 closest bowls to the jack. Games are played over 12 ends with no driving allowed. Names in by 6.15 pm with games starting at 6.30 pm. Green fees are $10 with 50 percent of the green fees being returned as prize money. All ability levels are welcome so come along for a fun night out.
Thursday 14 March: ‘Social Thursday’ Open Pairs (Men’s, Ladies, Mixed). Names in by 2.15 pm as games will commence at 2.30 pm. Play till 4.30 pm with 2 random lucky draws as prizes.
Thursday 14 March: Night Bowls – bowls start at 6.30 pm, names in by 6 pm. Bowl under lights and enjoy a fun filled night with a chance at the ‘Pick the Joker’ Jackpot which will be $278+ this week. Visitors and those that want to try bowls for the first time will be made to feel very welcome.
Friday 15 March: Open Pairs – Men’s, Ladies, Mixed. Names in by 12 pm, green fees paid by 12.30 pm for a 1 pm start.
Saturday 9 March: Open Pairs (Men’s, Ladies, Mixed) Names in by 12 pm, green fees paid by 12.30 pm for a 1 pm start.
Coming events:
Tuesday 26 March: $300 Open Triples. Names in by 12 pm, green fees paid by 12.30 pm for a 1 pm start.
Saturday 1 and Sunday 2 June – $10,000 Open Triples. Nominations are now open for the $10,000 Open Triples Carnival (Men’s, Ladies or Mixed). First prize is $3,000 and paying down to 8th place. Nominations can be forwarded to Kellie Kemp (Tournament Director) via email at burnbowl@bigpond.com or for further enquiries on Mob: 0411368360. Everyone welcome to nominate a team.
Club News:
Club opening hours are – Monday (Club closed), Tuesday 10 am – 5.30 pm, Wednesday 11 am – 9 pm, Thursday 2 pm – 9 pm, Friday 10 am – 9 pm, Saturday 10 am – 9 pm (10 pm for Functions) Sunday Bowls Days 9 am – 2 pm.
The Goose Club raffle will be drawn on Friday night at 7pm – Tickets are $1 each and can be purchased during the week from the Bar staff or on Friday night. There are 15 great prizes to be won – you need to be in it to win it! Proceeds from the raffle help to support your Club.
The Member’s Draw on Friday night 15 March stands at $810, so come along, have a meal and a few drinks with the chance to win some great cash and prizes.
There will be live entertainment on Friday night 15 March presented by ‘The Other Bloke’. and the following Friday 22 March entertainment is yet to be confirmed. Members, Guests, and Visitors are always welcome.
Woodgate Bowls
Tuesday 5 March: Ladies Day: Social bowls with one game in the Open Ladies Singles.
Cheryl Goodhew had a win over Fiona Dowling in a hard fought game. Cheryl is earning a reputation as the come back kid, coming from behind to take her last couple of match’s in this competition! Thanks to Robyn Bishop marker, and Rob Anderson who stood as Umpire for the day.
Winning Rink Draw Rink 12: Social pairs game: Lorelle Mattson, Doreen Ensby
Wednesday 6 March Mens Day: As usual our men had a great day out on the green, we welcomed visitor Reg Patrick and welcomed back Ken Collins.
Winning Rink Draw Rink 13: Peter Walkington, Reg Patrick, Bob Winzar
Runner Up Rink 11: Archie Bishop, Lyall Brettell, Maurie Strano
Thursday 7 March Oyster and Fee’s Day: Another fun Thursday out on the green today. A rather hard to read breeze/wind made the play interesting but cooled conditions down somewhat!
Winning Rink Draw Rink 9: Lyall Brettell, Paul Royan
Encouragement Rink 12: Donna Smith, Marilyn Mullins
Saturday 9 March: Well you know there are days at bowls when it’s all a bit “ordinary” and there are days when it’s “woo hoo bring it on.” We had one of those days today, four games in the Men’s Open Singles Championship all crackers of a game going right down to the wire.
On rink 10: We had a win to Ian Goodhew over Brian Cornish in a hard game. Brian held the lead on end 22, 20/17 but as so often happens in bowls he was then stuck on 20 while Ian managed to scrape those last few points to take the game 25/20.
On rink 11 a real cliff hanger between Robbie Byrnes and Greg Madsen.
On end 28 the score was even on 23/23.
Robbie Byrnes then took a 1 on end 29 and another on end 30 to make the final score 25/23.
Rink 12: Another game with an edge of the seat finish between Col Ensby and Rowdy Taylor. Rowdy held the lead on end 26, 22/20 but then Col, never one to throw in the towel, took a 3 on end 27 to make the score 23/22 in his favour. Rowdy took a 1 on end 29 then Col took a 2 on end 30 to take the match 26/23.
Rink 13: Another amazing game between Clinton Dowling and John (Robbo) Robinson.
The score card never had a difference of more than 3 throughout the whole game.
On end 26 Clinton held the lead 24/23, a 1 from Robbo on end 27 evened the score 24/24.
On the last tense end Clinton took a 3 to finish the game 27/24.
As I said four top class games played on our green today, congratulations to all players you really gave us an afternoon of bowls to remember.
Thanks to markers: Garry Willoughby, Greg Upham, Trevor Christensen, Bob Winzar
Special thanks to our Umpire Rob Anderson.
Winning Rink Draw None of the above, Social Rink 14: Phil Nelson, Rob Anderson
Sunday 10 March: Another exciting day of play, two more games in the Men’s Open Singles and one in the open Ladies Singles! All played in damp/wet and windy conditions to test the skill and adaptability of our players.
Rink 10: Ladies Open Singles game resulting in a win to Daphne Brettell over Jacquie Rogerson with Gail Lenz taking up the markers duty!
Rink 11: Mens Open Singles, Bob Winzar had a win over Keith Sleep. John (Robbo) Robinson was the marker for the match.
Rink 12: Mens Open Singles, Robbie Byrnes put an end to Ian Goodhew’s recent dream run with a hard fought win after 31 ends 25/22. Greg Madsen did the markers duty for the match. Both Robbie and Ian both played hard matches yesterday so did well to front up again today. Special thanks to Ian Kirby who was our Umpire for the day.
Winning Rink Draw Competition Game rink 11: Bob Winzar Robbo (marker)
Want more news from on the greens? Check out last week’s bowls results here, or look over the full archive.